When Should You Schedule Forklift Training?

Did you realize an American worker is injured on the job every 7 seconds? For most employers, finding a way to minimize or eliminate these accidents is a top concern. The preventative measures you take to keep your workplace safe depends on a number of factors.

One of the main things to consider when devising a safety strategy is what type of equipment your workers deal with daily. If there are a number of forklifts in your workplace, you need to make sure they are operated as safely as possible. Some business owners fail to realize how important forklift training is until it is too late.

The following are some of the signs a business owner may notice when it is time to invest time and effort into effective forklift training.

Forklift Training Can Help with Speeding Problems

As a business owner, you need to take the time to observe what is going on in your warehouse. Usually, a short stroll through the warehouse can help you point out problems that may exist. As you inspect this part of your building or warehouse, pay attention to what your forklift drivers are doing.

If you notice these drivers are operating their forklifts at dangerously high speeds, you need to take action. During a forklift training session, the instructor can point out how dangerous driving at high speeds can be. Setting a speed limit for your operators to follow is essential.

When trying to figure out what this speed limit should be, consider things like the type of forklift it is, the ground conditions, and weight of the products being transported. With this information and the help of a safety training professional, setting the right speed limit will be a breeze.

Forklift Repair Costs Are Rising

Keeping costs down should be one of your main concerns as a business owner. If you start to notice an increase in forklift repair costs, ask a few questions to find out why this is happening. Usually, frequent accidents will be caused by negligent or untrained operators.

The only way to truly address this problem is by providing your forklift operators with extensive training on a regular basis. One of the main things you need to cover during these training sessions is how to inspect the forklift before using it. Creating a checklist for forklift operators is a good idea.

Getting these workers in the habit of inspecting the forklift can help you discover repair issues early on. The earlier these issues are discovered, the less damage they will ultimately do. When done correctly, forklift training can save a business owner money over time.

Improper Forklift Loading Techniques Can Be Hazardous

Investing in quality forklifts is essential for a business that handles heavy materials. Moving large pallets and boxes around by hand can be back-breaking work. This is why supplying your workers with reliable forklifts should be one of your top priorities.

The only way for a forklift to run properly is if it is loaded properly. If a forklift is transporting a load that is not stable or secure, it is only a matter of time before disaster strikes. When an increase of dropped loads occur as a result of improper forklift loading, you need to schedule a training session immediately.

Teaching your team the right and wrong way to transport a load on a forklift is crucial. If workers continue to use poor loading techniques after being shown the right way, you need to reprimand them. This is the only way they will learn how important properly forklift loading is.

Forklift Horseplay Is Never Acceptable

Being a business owner means that you have to work harder than all of your employees. Not only will you have to grow your business, but you also have to make sure your team is doing what they are supposed to. If you witness any of your forklift operators using their machines for horseplay, put a stop to it immediately.

In some cases, these incidents will be caused by an employee’s lack of forklift training. This is why you need to make sure that all of your operators are thoroughly trained before they are given access to these machines.

If you still notice incidents of forklift horseplay after this training, you need to have zero-tolerance. Not only can this horseplay lead to forklift damage, but it can also cause severe injuries, and even death.

Preventing Workplace Injuries

Doing things like training employees and investing in the latest forklift technology is crucial to the overall success of your business. However, the more machinery you have in your place of business, the higher the risk of employee injuries will become. If there has been a massive increase in forklift-related injuries, you need to act to correct this issue.

Some business owners think that forklift training is something only operators need. In reality, everyone working in your warehouse can benefit from this training. During these training sessions, you can let everyone know how dangerous these machines are and how to work around them safely.

Most business owners don’t have the time, energy, or skill needed to do this type of training on their own. The best way to ensure this training is done properly is by working with seasoned professionals. With their help, getting your employees the best possible forklift training will be much easier.

What Are You Waiting For?

Now that you know about the importance of forklift training, you need to take action. The time and energy invested in providing this training for your employees will be worth it. A properly trained workforce will be more efficient and less prone to accidents.

To schedule certified forklift training, contact us today.