The latest news for the Material Handling Industry

  • Preventing forklift breakdowns or malfunctions also helps keep you from expensive repairs.Do you and your employees know how to complete a forklift inspection? Here are a few things you should look at before allowing your employees to use a forklift on a daily basis.

  • Ultimately, you want the best type of forklift for your buck, and for your particular application, but you can't go wrong with a propane forklift.Here are eight benefits to propane-powered forklifts that you might not have considered.

  • As important as forklifts are, their ownership and maintenance can be expensive. Enter electric forklifts. Because these run on electricity, they can make forklift ownership far less expensive. That's right. You have fewer fuel costs to worry about. How much exactly can owning such an equipment save you? That's what we'll discuss with you now.